
8:07 PM missusmonroe 0 Comments

F21 bustier, hand-me-down floral skirt, thrifted sleeveless cardigan, AA Juju maxi jellies

My last day of my internship consisted of heartfelt stories about me and tearful goodbyes. ~cue rolling of the eyes~ Yeah, right. Yesterday actually wasn't as melodramatic as I would have preferred. I had a half-day where I only answered a handful of phone calls, a couple of client entries, updated a few files, and only did the post (mail for you Americans) for four clients, wahoo! The day's entirety was consumed with bittersweet moments, oh this is my last time seeing this, or this is my last time ringing the buzzer. I know it won't be my last time in the UK; however, I do know the next time won't be so soon. 

xxoo missusmonroe