
11:51 PM missusmonroe 0 Comments

Thrifted button-up, thrifted Hounds tooth shorts, Primark frilly socks, Shoe Zone "Docs"

Geology will be the death of me, I state this now. I hate rock identification, classification, and not to mention the fact that my lab midterm, MIDTERM, is next week. What!? I haven't even had any tests in any of my classes yet, including the lecture! We literally have to memorize all of the rocks in their entirety by next week; don't think it's something simpler like multiple choice, oh no, that would be far too easy. I don't even know what to expect from any of my professors exam/test wise. I'm trying to go with the flow, but it'd help if the flow was going.

So as usual, my outlets are in my clothes and in dance. I literally just came back from our hip hop dance troupe's first workshop of the season, with tryouts this Thursday. I made our fusion dance team, hip hop, Bhangra, and Bollywood, and I'm just so happy to be doing some sort of dancing at the moment. But school wise it's already time for prayer.

xxoo missusmonroe