Out with a bang

4:30 PM missusmonroe 0 Comments

Thrifted top, thrifted vest, thrifted DIY shorts, Primark oxfords

Very obviously my forehead expands into the heavens but I actually don't enjoy covering it. However, when I do get the chance to do the lovely curly fringe of my dreams, I never pass it up. Monday I had the same curls, but this time I highlighted them with a braided halo. I think I'd look so great with short hair but I just can't do it, I love my hair long too much. I think that fact is incredibly sad, lol. This outfit is the first really "put together" outfit I've really worn ever since I've entered the college life. It's so sad but I feel like I've been slacking on my styling game. Not for any particular reason except that nobody is even remotely considered competition on campus. Not that I dress to compete and compare myself to others, no that's quite lame, but the fact that everybody doesn't do much, don't attempt to go over and beyond, not only saddens me but it makes me lazy. ~Solution~ ingore the rusty bitches and continue being fabulousx10.

xxoo missusmonroe