
8:37 PM missusmonroe 0 Comments

Unpopular opinion: Keeping busy while you’re going through something does NOT help you “get over” that thing. It only puts time on the clock. It only delays the time you’re once again confronted with it. Strife, mental health, HEARTache.. you can keep running but once it’s in your path again ALL the emotions you thought you could outsmart will come back more paralyzing than ever. You have to come face to face with all your demons one day and running away from it.

Shoutout to everyone who’s taking L’s silently, battling with whatever demons and bouncing back to their shit even quieter. who don’t take everything to social media but also don’t paint this false reality of life cause shit is hard. I see y’all..but I don’t see y’all lmao. God’s got us, if you need to hear that you’ll be okay, you’ll be more than just okay. keep going, it never feels like it but you’re almost there.

I've been quiet again, getting life in a row and trying not to stress on what may not mean anything tomorrow, in a constant need for balance, and protecting my time/being even more intentional with it because I've really affirmed my time is me and how I place value to myself. I don't play with it. I've also been attempting to be conscious of being a good human being to others.. not that I'm ever intentionally malicious but I'm usually a very much so an It is what it is kinda shorty; yet as I've been embarking in new relationships I've been trying to perfect my communication mechanisms. So actually caring from time to time. This of course means accountability and a lot of reflection. It's been a lot but nothing at the same time because there's just so much further to delve into. 

You all know I'm set to be traveling and just busy this year #bookednbusy, there's a lot I want to internalize and experience while also create and have acted upon me. I'm trying to make it a point to keep this space up to date and up to pace with my life but y'all.. it's so hard lol. Between this and youtube.. and actually wanting to speak of importance, not just useless commentary and blase/common phrases and opinions. It takes time, it takes creativity, it takes intention and understanding. Then to curate my pictures in the way I'm still working on them to look like? Be patient with me ha, forreal. Especially in this world where everything is fast "content"? I'm not apart of those fast-"food" creators okay, but y'all already know this!

Enjoy some captures from @jakeandcamera and ask yourself, when was the last time you checked-in? 

xxoo missusmonroe