No lies

6:04 PM missusmonroe 0 Comments

Thrifted flannel, DIY corset, thrifted acid high-waisted jeans, Barefeet combat boots

TGIF, TGIF! I literally can't take school anymore, it's insane. Actually it's my sleep deprivation. I just cannot go to sleep, I stay up doing nothing and I wake up at 5... This is not the type of life I'm trying to live. All of the coffee I drink just can't be healthy. Regardless of my sleep amount I'm still able to look gewd. Haha, honestly after my last app I'm staying home for like a month.

P.S. how do you guys like my split bangs? Haaahaha, I wanted to experiment with the whole Left Eye bangs. Paired with this bun I really liked it.
xxoo missusmonroe