
1:01 AM missusmonroe 0 Comments

Wal-Mart tropical shirt, gojane socks, DIY chained Timberlands

Recently, two nights ago now to be very technical but right now it still feels like "last night" comprendes? That was a terrible sentence by the way, I didn't even complete the phrase I began ~hardy har terrible. Haha, anyway, so there was a school sanctioned event named THXBLVCKOVT and it was just this grand excuse for me to sport the new over-sized top I snagged from Wal-Mart for $3, yes three. At events such as these I see females just taking it as an excuse to wear no clothes. As much fun as that is, it's not fun when hands are creeping in your underwear line. Yeah, that's never cute. At all. 

Life is really loading on me and it's moving so quickly at this point. It's so hard to keep up when you get to this point; it's like trying to run with a moving car. At some points you can be equal but you can never outrun it unless the car comes to a complete stop... Enjoy it while it's moving slow is all I can really say.

xxoo missusmonroe