Cultured: A Boston Blowout

9:11 PM Sade 0 Comments

Hey There! I got the chance to visit Boston earlier in the year to visit my best friend of almost 10 years! She goes to school up in Boston, and I also took the chance to meet a few other friends that are up there.

I packed ultra-light with just a backpack (Thank you SE Asia solo backpacking for teaching me about packing)! I was super excited to get a better feel for New England and to experience more of Boston this so popular city that I've heard so much about. The food was great, and it wasn't as cold as I imagined.

I went to a performance by the Trap Music Orchestra. They were so eye-opening and amazing!
The Charles River at night!

Totally felt like I was back in Thailand, with this Khao Soi! We got dinner at this awesome jazz restaurant, Thelonius Monkfish. It was amazing. Highly recommend it. It had great live music and a nice feel.
The beautiful Charles River
Until next time,